It’s the most wonderful time of the year—or so the old song goes. Yet we have to admit that it doesn’t always feel that way. We can all rattle off a list of the reasons why we feel a twinge of stress or sadness mixed with happiness or excitement when the carols start playing in every public setting. Hectic schedules, rampant materialism and reminders of personal wounds are just a few of the reasons.
Whether you are the person who is ready to relax and savor the season because you did all your shopping and preparations months ago (not likely) or the person who dreads the busyness, responsibilities or loneliness that steal your joy this time of year (much more likely), the Christmas season offers a unique opportunity to experience God’s love and grace in the midst of real life. Christmas can still truly give us a taste of the most wonderful time of world history. Jesus—the Messiah, the Savior—came as the light into the darkness and stress and pain of the world—our world. That world then, just like our world now, including our lives, needs the light to illuminate, clarify, guide, and heal. Christ’s coming brings that ultimate light and His peace, joy, and all-consuming love. Those are the true gifts of Christmas. And He is worth celebrating. Join us at 6:00 pm for an unforgettable Christmas Eve as we celebrate how Jesus’s birth changed everything and brings us hope, love, joy, and peace even today!
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